Prostate Cancer Awareness Month: Expanding Access and Tailoring Treatments

September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness month!

Prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer among
veterans. This accounts for 30% of new cancer diagnoses at VA. VA Physicians at 126 facilities cared for over 18,000 veterans using precision oncology. Precision oncology is part of the White House Cancer Moonshot Initiative to eliminate cancer by making molecular testing available where
that testing may determine prognosis or treatment.

You can read more about that here.

NAVAPD believes that VA Physicians are uniquely trained and qualified to
treat patients with toxic exposures like Agent Orange and these VA
physicians are key to expanding these services nationwide. 

NAVAPD supports the continued recruitment and retention of VA
physicians, and initiatives to support those physicians, uniquely
qualified to care for veterans with military service related

NAVAPD advocates for hiring of more VA physician researchers,
who will provide future innovative treatment options for cancer.


NAVAPD’S Summer Accomplishments


Advocacy Tool Kit